Thursday, November 11, 2010

Attributes of PDPA2010 (Malaysia)

With regards to the far-reaching effects of information technology, the fear of the abuse of information has led to greater calls for data protection in this information-driven society. Now its time for authorities to provide an insight on what data protection is and what it regulates. There is still so much to learn about the recently enacted Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (Malaysia) and its application, enforcement and implications for Malaysian customers. Every person who runs online transactions has rights; on the other hand organizations or data users have legal obligations with regard to protecting enterprise data and explore a practical approach to cultivating best practices in relation to data protection to meet the demands of the society, customers and industry.
Key Benefits of the Data Protection Act 2010 are to:
• Understand the potential impact of the newly enacted Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (Malaysia)
• Understand more about data breaches, the scale of the problem and its implications
• Learn about the recent developments in data protection law in Malaysia and overseas
• Become aware of  legal obligations as a user or employer in respect of data
• Learn practical steps to ensure best practices in relation to data protection
• Obtain an appreciation of data protection implications on commercial activities

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