Friday, November 12, 2010

Which data are not protected by PDPA?

Although the PDPA 2010 is one of the most important internet and ICT legislations passed in Malaysia, the provisions of this statute prove that there are limitations in the data coverage scope of this act. The following graph illustrates the limitations and the further comments come as follows:

The personal data contained in the following fields will not be protected under the PDPA2010:
  • electoral rolls,
  • taxpayers database under the Inland Revenue system,
  • criminal records belonging to justice system,
  •  traffic offences record under the road and traffic regulation,
  • and many more personal data within the Federal and States Governments.

Also, personal data stored and kept in these and many other foreign online providers who do not have local centers of data processing are not protected under the Act:
  •   Google,
  •  Yahoo!,
  •  Facebook,
  • Twitter,
  • Blackberry Message system

Other unprotected sources of data users are:
The personal data retained by charity, social, political and non commercial institutions
Your (often-outdated) personal data retained by variety of credit reporting agencies in Malaysia (such as you-know-who);
Your personal data kept by thousands or millions of your friends or family members who kept them in their mobile, computers, archive, both paper and paperless medium.
As you can see, although we consider the PDPA to be a breakthrough move toward data protection, still there are so many threats imposed to our personal data, to be exposed, change or sold.
There is still a long way to go… and there will never be 100 percent protection ever. It all on us!

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