Saturday, November 13, 2010

A case of privacy leakage, could it be met by the PDPA?!

We discussed about the issue of “cyber stalking” in the class. There are many things that cyber criminals do to achieve your personal data, stalk you and following that they will commit many other crimes. Mostly they will bully you to pay them, and in return they won’t release your personal data.
This stalking will also be possible through cell phone communications monitoring.
What would you do when you realized an unknown has in his/her possession records of your SMS exchanges and the actual recordings of your telephone conversations and sent them to your own desktop? Shocked, fear, terrorized, humiliated (somehow), and so on, you name it. But yes, it’s a nightmare!

This case happened in Malaysia!
A lady who experienced this had brought a lawsuit against one of the major telecommunication providers for allegedly revealing the content of her private communication to a third party.
This particular lawsuit is the first that could trigger the provisions of Personal Data Protection Act 2010. Since the law has not been seriously enforced yet and this case proceeding has not started yet, hopefully we can hear more updates in near future about how the case was resolved and how the PDPA was enforced.
Meanwhile, the telecommunications company involved had issued a statement that they would carry out an investigation relating to the said allegation.

For the time being it’s not bad if we take a look at the privacy policies of these servers to check if they had done modifications based on the PDPA2010. If not, will the plaintiff be able to prove his claim and accuse this company of PDPA infringement?! 

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