Saturday, November 13, 2010

The End!

In the previous blogs I tried to focus on the privacy issues in the internet, with focus on most controversial ones.
The stories of cyber crime are becoming more and more regular and sometimes shocking everyday. 
We ourselves are sometimes the victims, hopefully the issues are not so devastating but still we are experiencing how disgusting it is to be invaded in privacy.
I'm sure we have learned so much through this blog assignment. We have come across stories and realities that we had never even thought about. but these are the realities that we should be aware of. Both as individual internet users or data subjects, or as members of organizations (data users) who deal with other peoples' personal data.
We as managers should always be aware of ethical issues, and we shall never forget, even our organization may be a victim of unauthorized and illegal data disclosure.
It's on us to start the change, with knowledge, profession and ethics.
Good Luck and always hope for better days to come!

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