Friday, October 1, 2010


As I have promised before, in this blog I am going to discuss this website and the reasons related to privacy issues, behind the creation and the public support for it. You might be shocked when you first open it as u see the terms “creep”, “stalk”, “lurk”, “propagate” and “infect” instead of common facebook terms. Terms are being used to show the effect of private information being exposed to public.
This website is originally made to object against the facebook privacy settings and requires its users to quit facebook in objection to their personal information being exposed or abused.
A page has been created inside the facebook itself, asking the 500million people who can not help leaving facebook to try not to check their account only for one day!
The creator of this web site claims that he and his followers are not consent with the interaction of facebook with its users and believes it to be unethical.
Only one day after the creation of, it had more than 23,000 fans worldwide. This figure may be big enough to attract the attention of the facebook team or warn them. But this website was not successful in creating a great wave of quitting among the facebook users, as much as its creators expected.
Communications Specialists continually warn people that none of the social networking websites will guarantee you that when you quit that site; your account information will be secured.
The controversy has been so high that resulted in the anger of the members of the Parliament of US. Pressures are causing facebook to withdraw but still not enough to reduce the real threat to the privacy issues.

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