Friday, October 1, 2010

Facebook applications are threats to your privacy!

Recently facebook team has claimed that it will enable its users to control more on the information they disclose to third parties on this website, including the applications and games.
Currently, there are 950,000 application producers on facebook from 180 countries around the world.
These new facebook regulations require the application producers to inform the users about what personal information will they use and seek the users’ consent and permission. It has been revealed that until now, the application producers on facebook had had unlimited access to the personal information of their users. These modifications will enable the users to have more control over this issue.
Also, Facebook has been required by critics to encourage its users to choose their privacy levels carefully. The new instructions will also inform people about the difference between terminating and deactivating an account. These issues had been the sources of controversies for a long time.
There are many countries that are running researches about the use of facebook in their nations, in order to urge facebook to protect the privacy of their people. Such a research was started in Canada last year following the lawsuit against facebook by an institute in Ottawa University.
After this case, Canadian authorities did negotiations with the facebook people which resulted in the modifications applied to facebook for the 12 million Canadian users. If the same restrictions be applied to the similar websites, we may see much fewer cases of privacy violations on internet.

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