Sunday, October 10, 2010

Do not neglect privacy issues on your mobile phone!

In the 1980s when the mobile phones first came to the market, no one really expected them to be as popular as now. But today, they not only reached all corners of the world but also are used by people for shopping, transferring money, checking the bank account and many more. The personal and banking information of their users is the temptation for the swindlers. What these swindlers have noticed is that the phones are directly related to the life and money of people. Researches show that recently the phone robbery is done planned and organized carefully. The programs installed on the phone are useful to the owners and enable them to arrange and do many jobs easily. Yet, many of these programs are written by the swindlers who steal the owner’s important information beyond the attractive appearance of the program.
Internet fraud is so easy, and stealing people’s information from the phone is similar to what is done online.
The scary thing is that the format of the program is similar to any other simple program, but it can easily get to your addresses or the information in your messages.
So far the number of these dangerous programs is not so much but most probably they will increase. There are some symptoms for the phone owners to detect these programs on their phone. Later I will discuss them with you to keep you alert of the dangers to your privacy on your phone.

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