Monday, October 11, 2010

Warn Test Reports

The Warn Test research foundation in Germany convicts the social networks of being unreliable in keeping the privacy of their users.
The legal and technical specialists at Warn Test said in a report that all of the 10 social networks under investigation proved many major defects in protecting the private information of their users. This information includes the photos or personal notes. According to the Warn Test foundation giving this information to companies and commercial brokers is violation of EU rules and regulations.
According to law, internet companies which receive and save private information should be diligent in keeping them from third parties. The users’ private information should not be considered as the companies assets.
Warn Test claims that Facebook alone has violated the EU law in 15 cases. Facebook with more than 500million users is the least trusted website in protecting the privacy of its users. Other networks like LinkedIn and MySpace also show important defects. The Facebook users at the point of sign up usually give the website permission to use the information globally in their network or account.
Recently a Facebook manager who wanted to remain anonymous claimed that the information removed by the users, only disappears from their sight and remains in the main safe box of the network.
According to Warn Test this is a clear violation of users’ rights and wills, because the network neglects their right to have control over their private information.
Warn Test reports that even the people who are not direct users of social networks are in danger, since the network will gather information about them through their friends and relatives.
This makes the legal control over privacy even harder, since everything is done without you being aware of it!

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