Friday, October 1, 2010

student committed suicide after his sex-video was released on the web!

I was browsing the web, searching for stuff regarding the privacy issues on the internet when I suddenly came across the news of an American student committing suicide after his homo-sex video was released on the web. (Source:
This student had been seen jumping off the George Washington Bridge in the state of New Jersey on 22nd September.
Tyler Clementi, was a 18-year-old student and violinist who had been filmed by two of his friends, while he was having sex with his same-sex partner.
His roommate and another friend of him are being convicted of filming him and then sharing it on the net. If the court pleads them guilty they will be sentenced to maximum 5years imprisonment.
The roommate tweeted on his tweeter page that his roommate (Tyler) has asked him to leave the room for him until midnight. He went to the room next-door and turned on the camera, filming Tyler with another guy!
Although this post and the film have been removed, the pictures are still available on Google.
This is again another issue about cybercrime relating to privacy! This time not the information on the web is being reached illegally or misused. But the person’s most intimate time has been captured and regardless of his privacy it has been shared on the web, visible to millions of people! Disgusting!

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